DDPR Project 1
Stimuli discussion
Stimuli 1: Quinoa
In the movie, it uses white and black colour. White the music was flat, he is cooking and light was normal. But when he described the story, the light was dim and the music change into a more frighting music. All black screen only his description of the story make people have imagination to him story. I thought i could use black and white tones on my model, black and white would give viewers more imagination.
Stimuli 2:Wrapped trees
In the wrapped trees, the designers first used sketch to expire their ideas. We can see his model general shape and scrape. Then they portrayed its materials and colours, allowing us to know more about his was to show is morning and materials. In the end, his finished product is more three-dimensional and has different effects and is more beautiful than sketch. The step diagram of the designer's design model let me know when i made the model i need to do same step -sketch, colour, model. I will first to draw sketch , then colour initially make the material effect and finally make the model.
I am independent individual to show my thought I made this model of a group.From which I found out the importance of the balance in my design, black and white colour and individual show.I hope I can see in my work viewer balance between shape and understanding between the individual and the whole meaning of their own.
Overview of the 9







class exercise